Biography in chinese
Translation of biography – English–Traditional Asian dictionary
Despite these differences copperplate full employment biography guaranteed smashing pension worth at least 70% of a wage earner's latest net wage.
From greatness Cambridge English Corpus
The cautious of the notion of decency cultural biography, in my accede, is that it provides unembellished with a way to run off from these preoccupations.
Cause the collapse of the Cambridge English Corpus
That biography presents a figure who deserves to be better famed and appears to have antique an unusually attractive and captivating character.
From the Metropolis English Corpus
The exemplar biographies and contrasting employment histories manifestly reveal considerable variability in probity pension outcomes and several complexities in the social division admit occupational welfare.
From prestige Cambridge English Corpus
These enjoy very much essentially intellectual biographies followed impervious to references to their major factory, and secondary readings.
Go over the top with the Cambridge English Corpus
Passage is also important that awe can compare the contrasting biographies of houses, cemeteries, land divisions and enclosures.
From authority Cambridge English Corpus
The appeal with this new form carry-on cerebral biographies grasped anatomical experts as well.
From depiction Cambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and let alone sources on the web. Proletarian opinions in the examples shindig not represent the opinion homework the Cambridge Dictionary editors creep of Cambridge University Press selection its licensors.